Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/66

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
合 hâh;
合 hâp;
united; join.
爲 ûi;
do; effect.
爲 ūi;
ŭi; because; for; help.
亂 lŭan;
妄 buáng;
thèng; disorderly.
衆 cèng, cùaⁿ;
全 chŵn, cn̂g;
all; whole.
從 chông;
since, from.
從 chông;
tùe; follow.
從 cŭang;
clan; subordinate.
由 îu;
through, by.
1 siang hâh; m̄ siang hâh. 1 Agreeing; disagreeing.
2 i hâp ke àiⁿ lâi. 2 The entire family is coming.
3 hâh mâk, m̄ hâh mâk. 3 Suiting or not suiting the taste.
4 lʉ́ chông tī kɵ̀ lâi? 4 Where did you come from?
5 cí kâi chŵn m̄ hɵ́. 5 This is altogether bad.
6 ūi tîeh cí kâi sʉ̄. 6 Because of this affair.
7 ūi tîeh i kâi pē bɵ́. 7 On account of his parents.
8 cèng nâng àiⁿ. 8 All men want it.
9 cn̂g kâi khîeh lâi. 9 Bring the whole of it.
10 chông côiⁿ m̄ pat thóiⁿ kìⁿ. 10 I never before saw it.
11 chông soiⁿ bɵ̂ cí kâi sʉ̄. 11 Formerly there was no such thing.
12 i sĭ cŭang hiaⁿ tì. 12 They are cousins.
13 úa bɵ̂ lêng ûi. 13 I have not the ability.
14 úa tàⁿ, nín tăi ke thiaⁿ. 14 While I speak, you all listen.
15 tăi ke, lâi thóiⁿ. 15 All come and look.
16 àiⁿ cɵ̀, tîeh cɵ̀ kàu chŵn. 16 If you are going to do it, you must finish it.
17 úa tùe lʉ́ lâi khʉ̀. 17 I will go along with you.
18 chông lâi: chông kim íⁿ ău. 18 Heretofore: henceforth.
19 hʉ́ ciah gû kíaⁿ tùe tɵ̆ chia ău. chŵn lêng. 19 That calf is following the wagon. Almighty.
20 sim m̄ hɵ́ lŭan. 20 Do not be agitated.
21 mài buáng cɵ̀: mài thèng cɵ̀. 21 Do not do it carelessly.
22 mài lŭan tàⁿ. 22 Do not speak incoherently.
23 îu nín cùaⁿ nâng cɵ̀. 23 Do it through you all.
24 îu ka kī hâh mâk, m̄ îu cèng nâng àiⁿ. 24 Because it suits me, not because of people’s wishes.
25 tîeh chông i kâi ūe. 25 Must comply with his directions.