Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/76

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


按 àn;
press; according to.
肖 sĭo;
jîen; similar.
如 jû;
as; like.
似 sʉ̆;
chĭeⁿ; similar.
那 * cìeⁿ;
thus; hither.
這 * hìeⁿ;
thus; thither.
樣 īeⁿ;
seⁿ; mode; pattern.
怎 cɵ̀;
cái; why; how; what.
屢 lú;
ē: reiterated.
呢 nî;
好 * chin;
像 sìeⁿ;
chĭeⁿ; likeness.
1 lâm cʉ́ hùe cɵ̆ tɵ̆ cìeⁿ pôiⁿ, hŭ jîn, nńg cʉ́ hùe cɵ̆ tɵ̆ hìeⁿ pôiⁿ. 1 The men sit on this side, and the women sit on that side.
2 jû cìeⁿ seⁿ cɵ̀. lú lú. 2 Do thus. Again and again.
3 īa sĭ hìeⁿ seⁿ cɵ̀. 3 Should you do like that—.
4 cɵ̀ lâi cìeⁿ seⁿ sĭ m̄ hɵ́. 4 It is badly done thus.
5 căi seⁿ īeⁿ? 5 What sort of thing is it?
6 sĭ cìeⁿ seⁿ. 6 That is the way it is.
7 chin chĭeⁿ: m̄ chin chĭeⁿ. 7 Much alike: not much alike.
8 chíu àn sim cɵ̀. 8 Did it heart and hand.
9 àn cìeⁿ seⁿ cɵ̀. īeⁿ sìeⁿ. 9 Do like this. Effigy.
10 àn hìeⁿ seⁿ cɵ̀. 10 Act in that way.
11 úa cɵ̀ ŏi? úa căi tit cai? 11 How can I? How do I know?
12 i cɵ̀ nî m̄ lâi? 12 Why does he not come?
13 i seⁿ lâi chin chĭeⁿ i kâi a bɵ́ cêk īeⁿ. ē ē. 13 She looks just like her mother. Time after time.
14 cɵ̀ chin chĭeⁿ cìeⁿ seⁿ. 14 Make it about like this.
15 i sĭo i a pĕ. 15 He resembles his father.
16 i jîen i a hiaⁿ. 16 He resembles his brother.
17 seⁿ lâi jîen jîen. 17 They are (born) just alike.
18 cɵ̀ lâi jîen jîen. 18 They are made just alike.
19 nɵ̆ nâng kâi mīn siang sʉ̆. 19 The faces of the two resemble each other.
20 cí kâi kio hʉ́ kâi siang sʉ̆. tieⁿ īeⁿ. 20 This and that are similar. Affect a style.
21 àiⁿ cɵ̀ săi seⁿ īeⁿ? 21 How do you want it to be made?
22 seⁿ lâi căi seⁿ īeⁿ cĭu sĭ chin chĭeⁿ. 22 The sort of thing produced is very similiar.
23 i kâi sìeⁿ sĭo a m̄ sĭo? 23 Is the likeness a good one?