Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/78

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
鳥 cío;
a bird.
雞 koi;
a fowl.
鴨 ah;
a duck.
翼 * sît;
狗 káu;
a dog.
飛 pue;
咬 kă;
打 phah;
比 pí;
問 mn̄g;
同 tâng;
豈 khá;
how should it.
1 m̄ sĭ cìeⁿ seⁿ. 1 It is not so.
2 lʉ́ cɵ̀ nî ŏi hìeⁿ mé lâi? 2 How is it that you are come so soon?
3 i sĭ tàⁿ cìeⁿ seⁿ a m̄ sĭ? 3 He said so did he not?
4 cɵ̀ àn úa cìeⁿ seⁿ cɵ̀. 4 Do as I am doing.
5 àn cío pue hìeⁿ mé. 5 As fast as a bird flies.
6 nɵ̆ kâi m̄ sie tâng. 6 The two are not alike.
7 ŏi sie tâng a bŏi? 7 Are they alike?
8 hái káu: cúi ah: suaⁿ koi. 8 A seal: teal: pheasant.
9 hái koi bɵ́: ah cîh. 9 A sea gull: duck’s bill.
10 mài sía hìeⁿ mé. 10 Do not write so fast.
11 koi ang: koi bɵ́, koi kíaⁿ. 11 Cock: hen: chicken.
12 i lâi mn̄g hāu lʉ́. 12 He has come to pay his respects to you.
13 seⁿ lâi sie tâng sie tâng. 13 They are exactly alike.
14 seⁿ lâi m̄ siang tâng. 14 They are not alike.
15 cìeⁿ seⁿ kâi nâng. 15 That sort of people.
16 cèng nâng tâng sim. 16 They are all of one mind.
17 cèng nâng tàⁿ ūe m̄ tâng sim. 17 They all spoke different minds.
18 hɵ́ cang sih mih kâi khɵ́ pí i? 18 What can be taken to compare with it?
19 bɵ̂ khɵ́ pí: bɵ̂ hɵ́ pí. 19 Incomparable.
20 m̄ tâng īeⁿ. 20 Not agreeing in kind.
21 khɵ́ pí ŭ cêk ciah cío. 21 It is as if there were a bird—.
22 cìeⁿ seⁿ cɵ̀, khá ŏi a bŏi? 22 Could it thus be done?
23 ciang lâi sĭ ŭ cɵ̀ nî? 23 How will it be in the future?
24 ah pí cío īa ŭ sît, khá ŏi tâng cío pue, mē? 24 Ducks like birds have wings, but can they fly as do birds?
25 i sie phah, sie kă. 25 They strike and bite each other.