Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/80

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
想 sĭeⁿ;
to think.
里 lí;
one tenth of a league.
塘 * phò;
about 34 miles.
寸 chùn;
尺 chieh;
2 foot.
丈 tn̆g;
ten feet.
長 tn̂g;
短 tɵ́;
高 kau;
kûiⁿ; high.
低 ti;
kĕ; low.
下 ĕ;
below; following.
下 ē;
a time; once.
1 úa sĭeⁿ m̄ chut. 1 I cannot think of it.
2 ŏi sĭeⁿ kìⁿ a bŏi? 2 Can you think it out?
3 úa kâi sim sĭeⁿ. côiⁿ nî. 3 My thoughts. Year before last.
4 câp lí cɵ̀ cêk phò. 4 Ten lí make a league.
5 cêk lí lō jîeh cōi tn̆g tn̆g? ău, nɵ̆ nî. 5 How many tn̆g in one lí of length? Two years after.
6 câp hun cɵ̀ cêk chùn. 6 Ten tenths make an inch.
7 câp chùn cɵ̀ cêk chieh. 7 Ten inches make a foot.
8 câp chieh cɵ̀ cêk tn̆g. 8 Ten feet make a tn̆g.
9 sĭeⁿ tn̂g, sĭeⁿ tɵ́. 9 Think it all over.
10 kau íⁿ àiⁿ cɵ̀ kúi chieh kûiⁿ? 10 How many feet high will you make the dining chairs?
11 nín nɵ̆ nâng bɵ̂ mih kûiⁿ kĕ. 11 You two are not very different in height.
12 lʉ́ úa lâi kìⁿ kâi kau ti. 12 Let us see which is ablest.
13 lʉ́ kâi nâng kûiⁿ kùe i kâi nâng. ŏi tɵ́ cí kâi a bŏi? 18 You are taller than he. Is it any shorter than this?
14 ĕ hûe mài lâi. 14 Another time do not come.
15 hâh cɵ̀ cêk ē khʉ̀. 15 Take them all at once.
16 chíu ĕ. kàu kìⁿ. 16 Dependents. Opinion.
17 lʉ́ ŭ sih mih kau kìⁿ? 17 What is your opinion?
18 pàng tɵ̆ chn̂g ĕ. 18 Put it under the table.
19 ĕ jît; ĕ chʉ̀. 19 Another day: next time.
20 ĕ gûeh; ĕ mīn. 20 The following month: under surface.
21 tn̂g tɵ́ cɵ̀ cêk ē sǹg. 21 Reckon them all together, the long ones, and the short ones.
22 cêk ē cêk ē thiaⁿ kìⁿ. 22 Hear it stroke after stroke.
23 thiⁿ ĕ nâng mûeh. 23 All under heaven.
24 cɵ̀ kàu chit chieh tn̂g. 24 Make it seven feet long.