Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/88

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
夜 mê;
歇 hiah;
cease; stop.
響 híang;
emit sound.
晴 cêⁿ;
clear sky.
昏 hun, hng;
光 kuang, kng;
明 mêng;
bright; clear.
暗 àm;
dark; secret.
間 kan;
space; between.
霎 siap;
short time.
隨 sûi;
accord; forthwith.
鍾 ceng;
a bell.
1 lʉ́ ŭ sî ceng a bɵ̂? 1 Have you a clock?
2 úa sûi sî àiⁿ khʉ̀. 2 I am going immediately.
3 sûi chíu cai kueⁿ mn̂g. 3 Close the door after you.
4 câp im ceng. 4 A music box.
5 úa mêng mêng kāng lʉ́ tàⁿ. 5 I tell you plainly.
6 siap sî kan jît àm lío, mê hng tîeh cí kɵ̀ hiah. 6 It will very soon be dark, you must stop here to-night.
7 lʉ́ kâi mâk hun àm. ? Your eyes are dim.
8 thiⁿ kng lío, ceng cɵ̀ nî būe híang? 8 It is daylight, why has not the bell rung yet?
9 thiⁿ kng cá àiⁿ khʉ̀. 9 Will go at daylight.
10 thiⁿ sî cêⁿ mêng lío. 10 The weather is fair now.
11 thiⁿ àiⁿ cêⁿ lío. 11 The sky is clearing.
12 thiⁿ būe kng cĭu khʉ̀. 12 Went before daylight.
13 mê sî, nâng tɵ̆ ût. siap sî kan. 13 In the night when people were asleep. A little while.
14 mêng nâng m̄ cɵ̀ àm sʉ̄. bɵ̂ nâng cai cí kûi sʉ̄. 14 Intelligent people do not do dark deeds. No one knows this.
15 sî ceng hiah kîaⁿ. 15 The clock has stopped.
16 kàu thóiⁿ kìⁿ sʉ̄ sĭ cìeⁿ seⁿ, úa sûi sî cíu hiah. 16 When I saw it was so, I at once stopped.
17 mê hng kíaⁿ. jît àm. 17 Early evening. At dark.
18 ceng híang ŭ siap sî. 18 The bell rung a little while ago.
19 jît àiⁿ àm lío. 19 It is almost dark.
20 jît būe àm. cêk siap sî. 20 About dark. A moment.
21 sî ceng ŏi híang a bŏi? 21 Does this clock strike?
22 thiⁿ kng cá hɵ́ lâi. 22 Come at daylight.
23 ŏi kng, ŏi àm. 23 Can produce light or darkness.