Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/92

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
風 huang;
風 hong;
fame; usage.
雨 hŏ;
雷 lûi;
電 tĭen;
颶 * thai;
轟 * tâng;
roar; crash.
澆 * ak;
èng; sprinkle.
吹 chue;
to blow as wind.
飄 * thàu;
to blow; swirl.
暫 cĭam ;
罕 hán;
1 huang cúi. tōa huang. 1 Geomancy. A gale.
2 huang thai. hong siaⁿ. 2 Typhoon. Rumour.
3 mài khʉt huang che tîeh. 3 Do not let the wind blow on it.
4 mài i phâk jît. 4 Do not let the sun shine on it.
5 lûi tâng, huang thàu, àiⁿ lɵ̂h hŏ lío. hŏ lâi. 5 It thunders, and the wind whisttles, it is going to rain. It rains.
6 thiⁿ o àm, àiⁿ lɵ̂h hŏ. lʉ́ thóiⁿ àiⁿ cɵ̀ huang thai mē? 6 The sky is dark, it is going to rain. Do you think there will be a typhoon?
7 kìⁿ tîeh hŏ cĭu bô ēng. 7 If it is exposed to the rain it will be of no use.
8 tĭen kuang ău, lûi cĭu aiⁿ tâng. 8 After it has lightened, it will thunder.
9 mài i kìⁿ huang. 9 Do not expose it to wind.
10 cí kúi sî hán lɵ̂h hŏ; cháu tîeh cai ak cúi. 10 It seldom rains of late; the grass must be watered.
11 i hán tit lâi kìⁿ úa. 11 He seldom comes to see me.
12 huang thai thàu lâi sĭm tōa; tîeh ŭ lûi tâng, huang ŏi hiah. hán tit ŭ cí kĭaⁿ sʉ̄. 12 A great typhoon is blowing; should it thunder the wind would cease. This seldom happens.
13 khʉt hŏ ak tîeh. 13 Wet by the rain.
14 khʉt hái cúi ak tîeh. 14 Wet by sea water.
15 cai khʉ̀ èng cúi. 15 Think to sprinkle it.
16 úa put kùe cĭam lâi. 16 I have only just come.
17 lʉ́ cĭam cŭ kúi jît. 17 You stay but a few days.
18 cí kĭaⁿ sʉ̄ sĭ nâng hong siaⁿ kâi. peh sèⁿ. 18 This is a report. The people generally.
19 huang thàu, hŏ lɵ̂h. 19 The wind blows, and it rains.