Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/98

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
燈 teng;
a lamp.
籠 lâng;
a cage.
爐 lô;
stove; grate.
柴 châ;
炭 thòaⁿ;
點 tíam;
燒 sie;
warmth; heat.
灰 hue;
燒 * hîaⁿ;
put on fuel.
灶 càu;
滾 kún;
to boil.
隹 * nā;
1 húe thòaⁿ lɵ̂h ke cêk chɵh. 1 Put on some more coal.
2 khí húe pàng húe lô. 2 Build a fire in the grate.
3 khʉ̀ chūe mûeh hîaⁿ. 3 Going to gather fuel.
4 ŭ kúi tíam ceng? 4 What o’clock is it?
5 taⁿ hɵ́ tíam teng. 5 Light the lamps now.
6 i ŏi cɵ̀ hue kang. 6 He can do mason’s work.
7 sĭ hue thô cɵ̀ kâi. 7 It is made of mortar.
8 teng lâng bɵ̂ tɵ̆. 8 The lantern is not here.
9 ŭ sì tíam gūa ceng lío. 9 It is past four o’clock.
10 hîaⁿ kún cúi. 10 Boil some water.
11 bɵ̂ châ hɵ́ hîaⁿ càu. sie hue. 11 There is no wood to heat the range. To burn lime.
12 cío lâng bɵ̂ khʉ̀. 12 The bird-cage is gone.
13 hiah kha, tíam kíaⁿ. 13 Stop a minute.
14 tíam teng kâi sî hāu. 14 Time for lighting the lamps.
15 hiah ŭ cêk tíam ceng kú. 15 Stopped an hour ago.
16 khîeh chɵh châ khʉ̀ càu ĕ hîaⁿ sie cúi. 16 Take some wood to the kitchen and heat some water.
17 cêk lō àm, tîeh tíam teng lâng. nā pàng cí kɵ̀. 17 The road is dark, you must light the lantern. Stay here.
18 tíam ki teng khʉ̀ khí húe lô. 18 Light a lamp and go and build a fire in the grate.
19 mê hng kúi nâng àiⁿ nā tɵ̆ cí kɵ̀, tîeh khîeh ke chɵh châ thòaⁿ pàng càu ĕ ēng. 19 To-night several people will stay here; get some more wood and coal and put in the kitchen to use.
20 cúi kún a būe? 20 Does the water boil yet?
21 lâu i nā kɵ̀ sie hue. 21 Have him stay to burn lime.