Page:First Voyage Round the World.djvu/101

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near, and that its kings were good men, who gave a good reception to all sorts of men in their country; and while still in this neighbourhood[1] they saw the islands themselves of Maluco, and for rejoicing they fired all the artillery, and they arrived at the island[2] on the 8th of November of 1521, so that they spent from Seville to Maluco two years, two months and twenty-eight days, for they sailed on the 10th of August of 1519.[3]

As soon as they arrived at the island of Tydor,[4] which is in half a degree, the King thereof did them great honour, which could not be exceeded: there they treated with the King for their cargo, and the King engaged to give them a cargo and whatever there was in the country for their money, and they settled to give for the bahar of cloves fourteen ells of yellow cloth of twenty-seven tem,[5] which are worth in Castile a ducat the ell; of red cloth of the same kind ten ells; they also gave thirty ells of Brittany linen cloth, and for each of these quantities they received a bahar of cloves, likewise for thirty knives eight bahars:[6] having thus settled all the above mentioned prices, the inhabitants of the country gave them information that further on, in another island near, there was a Portuguese man. This island might be two leagues distant, and it was named Targatell;[7] this man was the chief person of Maluco; there we now have got a fortress.[8]They then wrote letters to the said Portuguese, to come and speak with them, to which he answered that he did not dare,

  1. Paris MS., "in these discussions." Lisbon Ac. note.
  2. Paris MS. "of Tidore." Lisbon Ac. note.
  3. Pigafetta says: "On Friday, 8th of November, 1521, three hours before sunset, we entered the port of an island called Tadore. . . 27 months less two days had passed that we had been seeking Maluco. Lisbon Ac. note.
  4. Pigafetta puts this island in 0 deg. 27 min. Lisbon Ac. note.
  5. In the Paris MS. this word tem is wanting. Lisbon Ac. note.
  6. Paris MS., "another bahar." Lisbon Ac. note.
  7. Paris MS., "Tarnate." Lisbon Ac. note.
  8. This clause seems to have been added to the text by the copyist;