Page:First Voyage Round the World.djvu/140

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very amusing chase of fish, which are of three sorts, of an ell or more in length, and they call these fish Dorades, Albacores, and Bonitos; these follow and pursue another sort of fish which flies, which they call Colondriny,[1] which are a foot long or more, and are very good to eat. When these three sorts of fish find in the water any of these flying fish, immediately they make them come out of the water, and they fly more than a cross bow-shot, as long as their wings are wet; and whilst these fishes fly the other three run after them under the water, seeing the shadow of those that fly: and the moment they fall into the water they are seized upon and eaten by the others which pursue them, which is a thing marvellous and agreeable to see.

Vocables des Geants Pathagonians.

Milan Edition. Milan Edition.
Le chef - Her . . idem. Les oreilles - Sane . . id.
Yeulx - Ather . . oter. Les esselles - Salischin . . id.
Le nez - Or . . id. La mamelle - Othen . . oton.
Les silz - Occhechl . . id. La poitrine - Ochy . . ochii.
Paupieres des yeulx - Sechechiel . . id. Le corps - Gechel.
Aux deux narines - Orescho . . id. Le vit - Scachet . . sachet.
La bouche - Xiam . . chian. Le couillons - Scancos . . sachancos.
Les leures - Schiane . . schiaine. Le con - Isse . . id.
Les dentz - Phor . . for. Le foutre - Johoi.
La langue - Schial . . id. Les cuisses - Chiaue . . id.
Le menton - Sechen . . secheri. Le genouil - Tepin . . id.
Les cheueulx[2] - Ajchir . . archiz. Le cul - Schiachen . . schiaguen.
Le visaige - Cogechel. Les fesses - Hoy . . hoii.
La gorge - Ohumer . . ohumez. Le braz - Mar . . riaz.
La copa* (le cou) - Schialeschin. Le poulse - Ohoy . . holion.
Les epaulles - Peles. Les jambes - Choss . . id.
Le coude - Cotel. Les piedz - Teche . . ti.
La main - Chene. Alcalcagno* - There . . tire.
La paulme de la main - Canneghin. La chenille du pied - Perchi . . id.
  1. Golondrina in Spanish, a swallow
  2. In the Milan edition "Barba", the beard.