Page:First course in biology (IA firstcourseinbio00bailrich).pdf/184

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some kinds of plants, with the remains of the old cleistogamous flower still adhering to the root. Cleistogamous flowers usually appear after the showy flowers have passed. They seem to insure a crop of seed by a method that expends little of the plant's energy. The pupil will be interested to work out the fruiting of the peanut (Fig. 206). Unbaked fresh peanuts grow readily and can easily be raised in the North in a warm sandy garden.

Fig. 206.—Pods of Peanuts ripening underground.

Fig. 207.—Struggle for Existence among the Apple Flowers.

Suggestions.152. Not all the flowers produce seeds. Note that an apple tree may bloom very full, but that only relatively few apples may result (Fig. 207). More pollen is produced than is needed to fertilize the flowers; this increases the chances that sufficient