Page:Fischer - A Week with Gandhi.pdf/70

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Dear Mr. Gandhi:

On the basis of our conversations these last few days I take the liberty of placing the following questions before you in the hope of receiving your full replies:

1. You ask the British government to withdraw immediately from India. Would Indians thereupon form a national government and what groups or parties would participate in such an Indian government?

2. Would that Indian national government permit the United Nations to use Indian territory as a base of military operations against Japan and other Axis powers?

3. What further assistance would this Indian national government be ready to render the United Nations in the course of the present war against the fascist aggressors?

4. Do you believe this collaboration between India and the Allied powers might or should be formulated in a treaty of alliance or an agreement for mutual aid?

Submitted with profound respect by Louis FISCHER

Gandhi’s reply was entitled “Important Questions,” and read as follows:

A friend was discussing with us the implications of the new proposal . As the discussion was naturally desultory , I asked him to frame his questions , which