Page:Fischer - A Week with Gandhi.pdf/72

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understanding on the formation of provisional national government. All this is necessarily guess work and nothing more.

2. Q.—Would that Indian national government permit the United Nations to use Indian territory as a base of military operations against Japan and other Axis powers?

A.—Assuming that the national Government is formed and if it answers my expectations, its first act would be to enter into a treaty with the United Nations for defensive operations against aggressive powers, it being common cause that India will have nothing to do with any of the Fascist powers, and India would be morally bound to help the United Nations.

3. Q.—What further assistance would this Indian national government be ready to render the United Nations in the course of the present war against the Fascist aggressors?

A.—If I have any hand in guiding the imagined National Government, there would be no further assistance save the toleration of the United Nations on the Indian soil under well-defined conditions. Naturally there will be no prohibition against any Indian giving his own personal help by way of being a recruit or/and of giving financial aid. It should be understood that the Indian army has been disbanded with the withdrawal of British power. Again if I have any say in the councils of the national Government, all its power, prestige and resources would be used towards bringing about