Page:Five Pillars of Islam (IA fivepillarsofisl00kamauoft).djvu/23

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life a journey to Makka.[1] He learns through undergoing all the hardships of such a long, arduous journey how it is to be deprived of the company of those near and dear to him. At some distance from the Holy Temple of the Lord all pilgrims have to divest themselves of their ordinary apparel and to don a uniform which is same for all. One sheet covers the upper body and the other the legs; and whatever the status of the votary the uniformity of the attire makes them all one and equal. I reserve a detailed description of other features of the "Hajj" for a later article.

What I meant to show here was this, that through this Muslim institution the narrow patriotism of our day loses some of its worst aspects, and our feelings of love of our country become softened and regulated. Briefly, to revert to my original theme, Islam aims at the establishment of the real peace in

  1. *See "Makka in the Days of Pilgrimage," by the same author, price 2d.