Page:Flaming Youth black on red.pdf/183

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haps you’d wait and take me home. about three.


I’m going quite early;

Will you?”


“We'll walk through the lawns; it’s only three minutes. Watch out for my signal.” She was giving him orders as one with a proprietary claim. Scott thrilled to it. He would not let himself think to what it was leading. His mind was absorbed in the delight of her, that dark radiance of personality, the sweet compulsion of her charm. He would have waited all night, though a little time before he had thought himself beginning to be bored. It did not seem long when he saw her coming toward him, her wrap over her arm. “Quick!” she directed. “Or there'll be a howl about my leaving. I’m not even going to say good-night.” Then they were in the autumn-spiced darkness together, her arm linked in his. It seemed quite natural that her fingers should slip into and twine themselves about his palm. “Isn’t it a grand little world!” she chuckled softly.

  • T’ve had such fun to-night.”

“You’re a wonderful little Pat,” he replied unsteadily. “—D’you really think I’m wonderful? Sometimes I think so myself. Other times”—she hunched her shoulders in a gesture peculiar to her—“I think I’m just like everyone else,” “Like no one else in the world.” “Because no two people are alike, of course. Id hate to be exactly somebody’s twin. . . . You’re that way, too, You don’t remind me of anyone I’ve ever seen. Most men do.” They had come to a gate which resisted Pat’s attempt, being locked. ‘Oh, very well! she said, addressing it,

  • J7ll just climb you.”

She attained the top, agile as a cat. But in getting