Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/116

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Where Highways Cross

"Elisabeth," he said, "you said the other day—when the old women had been a-Thomasing, wasn't it?—that you would be content to stay here. You said that, Elisabeth, didn't you?"

He made such an effort to speak calmly that as yet she did not notice his agitation.

"Yes, sir," she answered.

"And do you still feel like that?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," she said again.

"Then stay," he said, his voice falling almost to a whisper. "Stay, Elisabeth, stay always—be my wife!"

He stepped towards her as he spoke and held out his hands to her across the table. Elisabeth started and drew back, but he saw that it was only in surprise. He came up to the table and leaned on it for support. The lamp stood between him and Elisabeth and threw a strong light on their faces, his full of intense and eager passion that left his cheeks colourless and his lips trembling, hers