Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/153

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A Heart's First Love

to the man of whose great love she was now assured.

It was Hepworth's nature to feel deeply in all things, and in the passion which Elisabeth had inspired within him, he arrived at a depth of emotion of which he could never have conceived himself capable, had he thought about the matter in earlier days. To him the woman of his choice became idealised. He invested her with charms, graces, and powers. She became the centre-piece of humanity—there was not a thought within him that did not turn towards her, or spring from her influence. Elisabeth found all this out with a woman's quick intuition. She was frightened at it, and yet she was pleased. Something of youth's light-heartedness was coming back to her life, and the pride and joy which fills a woman's heart when she finds that one man is ready to crown her queen of his soul began to re-assert themselves within her. Nevertheless, Hepworth's love for her made her anxious and half-afraid. It seemed too great,