Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/164

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Where Highways Cross

wonders was confined to occasional peeps through the niches of the door or the window. She now stood wiping her hands, fresh from the wash-bowl, on her hard linen apron, while she gazed admiringly at the vision within.

"Now then, Mally," asked Hepworth for the twentieth time, "how does it look?"

"Varry nice, maister," said Mally. "It's fit for t' Queen to sit in. Eh, dear, I doöant know howiver it's to be cleäned up! It'll tak' a deeäl o' dustin', and I shall be afraid o' touching ony o' t' chiny things. Aye, it's varry fine."

"You think it looks well, eh, Mally?"

"Aye, I do! " answered Mally. "Of course theer is things 'at isn't to my taste. If it hed been me, I should ha' hed summut smarter for t' wall paper—summut wi' some blue and yaller and pink in it, and happen a big flowered pattern, insteead o' that plain paper."

"Aye, but they tell me that this style's all the fashion now-a-days, Mally," said Hep-