Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/178

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Where Highways Cross

"Can't you say what you want to say here?" he asked. "You see—I'm in a hurry."

"No," answered the stranger. "Come into the inn. I must speak to you—do you hear—must! It's a matter of great importance—it's about—about your marriage."

Hepworth turned and looked at the stranger in astonishment. He then perceived that the young man was much agitated, and that something of moment had occurred. He called to the ostler and bidding him see to the horse, led the way into the house again.

"Let it be a private room," said the young man.

Hepworth opened the door of a small parlour at the end of a passage, and motioning the stranger to enter, followed him and closed it carefully behind them.

Then he turned to him. The young man sank down into a chair and seemed to be labouring under some emotion. He rested his head on his hand and looked at Hepworth with frightened eyes.