Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/30

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Where Highways Cross

respectfully to his greeting. He walked in and out between them, but after a while returned to the stranger and addressed her.

"Are you looking for a situation?" he said.

The young woman started as if from a reverie and looked at her questioner. The man was regarding her intently, but with a certain kindliness in his eyes which made her reply to him with some confidence.

"I should be thankful for one, sir," she answered.

"I am wanting someone," he said, and stopped short as if not sure of what he was about to say. "Have you any experience of domestic service?" he enquired, after a pause.

A little spot of colour came into the girl's cheeks. The man noticed it quickly, and spoke again before she could answer him.

"I mean of household requirements," he said. "I don*t want servants so much as someone who could give them a sort of superintendence. Do you know anything of baking, now, or sewing?"