Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/46

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Where Highways Cross

maister's mother bowt it, and took great store in it, but it hevn't been so well seen to sin' she were takken, poor thing. I've a deal to do wi' the cookin', and there's three men in the house besides the maister, and I can't pretend to be much of a hand at gettin' things up, and layin' tables with napkins and so on. You'll be able to do that, I des'say." Elisabeth answered that she thought she would.

"The maister," said Mally, "is a very particular man about them things, and he's gotten more so lately. You see, he's a great reader, and he's high-larnt, and keeps very good company, and when he has onnybody here he likes his table to look smart. And, Lord love ye, I don't know nowt about layin' a table wi' napkins and things, but I hope you do, my lass, I'm sure."

"I think I can manage all that," said Elisabeth, secretly amused at the old servant's confession.

"Well, lass, well, I'll answer for the cookin', and that's the main part, to my mind,"