Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/64

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Where Highways Cross

The old servant was attired in her Sunday best, and was proud and pleased in consequence. She drew Elisabeth's attention to its gorgeousness as she aired each garment before the kitchen fire.

"I bowt this here gown piece," said Mally, "seven year agoöa at Cornchester fair, and I've kept it for best iver sin'. That theer jacket, now—I bowt that at t' best shop i' Sicaster when t' owd missis died. It hed crape trimmings then, but I tuke 'em off, and Polly Jones, 'at lives at Hornforth, an's larnin' t' dressmakin' at Sicaster, she's retrimmed it wi' black braid i' what she called t' milintary fashion—summat 'at t' sodgers weer, I reckon. I allus did believe i' bein' smart, you knaw. Now what do you think to my bonnet?—I've nobbut hed it fower year, so it's quite in t' fashion, as t' saying goes."

Elisabeth looked at the bonnet and said it was very nice. It was large and prodigal of design and colour, and Mally drew her attention to the fact that there were no less than