Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/85

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Partial Confidences

Hepworth reflected. He was always curiously interested in these matters, and had an almost morbid curiosity in any question affecting the relation of the human soul to belief.

"You mean," he said, "that you can't reconcile your own experiences of life with the teachings of religion?"

"Yes, sir, I suppose that is how you would put it."

"But why, Elisabeth?"

"Oh, for many reasons, sir. Now you say that God is good, and that He's the Father of all, don't you?"

Hepworth nodded his head.

"I suppose you believe that," said Elisabeth, "and so did I, once, because I was never taught anything else. But afterwards I didn't, because I couldn't. If God was Father of everybody, couldn't He protect those that never did anyone any harm? Wouldn't He act like a father?"
