Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/126

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project, he'd not welcome any claim being laid to the Mortover Estate. Levigne'll have to be watched, and his connection with the whole affair investigated. You say that when you left Netherwell this morning he was closeted with young Mortover's housekeeper, who seems to be a queer sort of person, according to your account—do you make anything of that?"

Wedgwood made a gesture which signified that he made a good deal but that he was also up against a barrier.

"That woman licks me!" he exclaimed. "I feel certain she's the motive power behind this business, but"—he shook his head and remained silent awhile—"the fact is," he went on, after evidently thinking things over. "I've a strong suspicion that if Wraypoole did let out the result of his enquiries about Avice Mortover to anybody it was to this woman—Janet Clagne! Why did he talk, evidently in confidence, with her for a good hour in Mrs. Chipchase's tea-room the last afternoon he was at Netherwell? And what was the meaning of the words Mrs. Chipchase overheard—'Russell Square Tube, then, six o'clock'? It strikes me the solution of the whole mystery may be in that! The Tube station for Russell Square is in Bernard Street and Bernard Street and Handel Street are not far apart!"