Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/129

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"Well, he did burn papers! I myself saw a grate full of the ashes. Now suppose—it's not beyond the bounds of probability—that Thomas had reasons, financial reasons, against this girl's claim to the Mortover property being set up and substantiated? Eh?"

The inspector regarded his companion with a long, steady look.

"Um!" he said at last. "Getting to the idea that Thomas may be in the same box with some more of them—Mrs. Clagne and the rest? That it?"

"As I say—not beyond the bounds of probability! Why did Thomas Wraypoole make such indecent haste to Porteous Road? Why did he proceed to burn papers and documents as soon as he got there? He could have carried them away. He could have sealed them up. But—he burned them! What were they?"

"Do you know whether that girl, Avice Mortover, ever confided any documents to John Wraypoole?" asked the inspector. "Did she mention such a thing?"

"She did not!" replied Wedgwood. "But I'm going off to see her—now. I know where to find her—refreshment room, British Museum. She may be able to tell me a bit more. And after that I shall turn my attention to this