Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/150

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I've already made certain discoveries in the course of my investigations. This young lady, Avice Mortover, is the daughter—and only child—of one Matthew Mortover and his wife Louisa Patello. And—as the last-mentioned name is so uncommon—I take it that Louisa Patello was a relation of yours."

Mr. Patello nodded.

"My sister, sir!" he answered. "And she did marry Matthew Mortover—oh, yes, I'm aware of that. And so—there was a child, was there? Dear me—and the child's this young lady you're talking of. Dear me!"

"You weren't aware of the child's existence, then, Mr. Patello?"

Mr. Patello waved his visitor to a seat and took one himself.

"I was not, sir!" he replied with emphasis. "Of course, if this young lady is the daughter of my sister Louisa, she's my niece, but I can honestly say that until you told me of it I didn't know it! The fact is, I've never even heard of my sister Louisa for—oh, I don't know how many years! Never, at any rate, since she married Matthew Mortover. That was the very last I ever heard of her. I don't even know if she's dead or alive!"

"This young lady's mother is dead, Mr. Patello."