Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/189

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cally arranged a marriage between my daughter. Mattie and Mr. Philip Mortover. Such a match would be to the benefit of all parties concerned. But a marriage with Philip Mortover as things are is one matter, and as they might be, if this girl turns him out of house and land is another! Do you follow me, Mr. Wedgwood?"

"Very well indeed, Mrs. Patello!" answered the detective. "You don't want your daughter to marry a poor man!"

"I don't indeed, Mr. Wedgwood, and I want to know what Philip Mortover's real position is!" assented Mrs. Patello. "As I say, Philip Mortover, as owner of Mortover Grange and appurtenances and vendor of land that has valuable minerals under it is one thing, but Philip Mortover, penniless younger son of a younger son, is quite another! I daresay you've daughters of your own, Mr. Wedgwood, and you'll understand me!"

"I understand you, Mrs. Patello—very well indeed!" said Wedgwood. "The appearance of Miss Avice Mortover, only child of Matthew Mortover, elder son of Gilson, materially alters matters!"

"It does indeed—if she really is that," assented Mrs. Patello. "And there's another thing, Mr. Wedgwood. This Mortover Main Colliery Company, now?"