Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/264

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such an old creature! She'd a big diamond ring on her finger!"

Wedgwood felt a disposition to jump in his seat.

"A—what?" he asked.

"A ring, with a big diamond in it!" said Miss Robinson. "I noticed it, and I noticed her skinny hands and fingers—it looked queer on a hand like hers. Once, when I went into the room she'd taken it off, and Mr. Levigne was looking at it, turning it over and over in the light. 'It's very loose in the setting,' I heard him say. 'You'll be losing it if you don't have it reset. You'd better leave it with me, and let me get it done for you.'"

"Did she make any answer to that?" asked the detective.

"She said something—I don't know what."

"Did she let him keep it?"

"That I can't say, either. Dinner was just about over then, and I didn't go into the room again."

"Did she go away after dinner?"

"Not immediately after. She was for some time in Mr. Levigne's study, talking to him and Miss Monniment. She went away about ten o'clock."

"And you say that was about a month ago?"

"A month to three weeks."