Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/273

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Mortover's lips as she recognized Nottidge. Curtoise, a sharp-featured, keen-eyed man, turned quickly at Wedgwood's touch on his arm, and gave him a questioning look as he saw who it was that accosted him.

"A word—in private!" said Wedgwood. He drew the solicitor aside. "You're expecting Mr. Levigne to turn up here, I suppose, Mr. Curtoise," he went on. "Well, between you and me, I want him!"

Curtoise showed no astonishment: he was of the sort that shows no astonishment or surprise even when they are felt.

"What is it, Wedgwood?" he asked quietly.

"That Handel Street murder case," replied Wedgwood. Then he added, with a significant glance: "It's mixed up with this Mortover case more than you'd think, Mr. Curtoise! But what is this case this morning?"

"Application for an injunction to restrain the Directors of the Company from dealing further with the land and minerals," answered the solicitor. He pointed to Avice, who was now talking rapidly to Nottidge. "That girl claims the Mortover estate."

"I know!" nodded Wedgwood. "Well, I suppose Levigne's sure to come here?"

"We can't do anything if he doesn't," replied Curtoise. "Although he's employed us on Miss