Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/276

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"Papers relating to this application," said Curtoise. "Certain signatures. And pray how does all this relate to your affair?"

"I told you the two things were mixed up more than you'd think," replied Wedgwood. "You'll know all about it before long. Well, I wonder if Levigne's coming?"

"I wired to Mortover Grange this morning to know if he'd set off," said Curtoise. "A reply hadn't come when I left the office—I'm expecting it here any minute."

Wedgwood stole away—but only as far as to the side of Avice Mortover, who sat by Miss Monniment.

"A word with you, young lady!" he whispered with a smile. "Glad to see you're no worse for your adventures. Listen—you remember coming to see me about John Wraypoole? Of course! Well, now, did you ever, at any time, give John Wraypoole any papers relating to yourself or your father and mother? Be sure!"

Avice Mortover leaned nearer to him and whispered.

"Yes, I gave him some birth and marriage certificates that I kept in an envelope," she answered. "He was to look them over and give them back. But he didn't—I've never seen them since."