Page:Fletcher - The Mortover Grange Affair.pdf/278

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"What do you make of that?" whispered Curtoise. "Who's the sender?"

"I know," answered Wedgwood. "A young woman staying at Mortover Grange. What shall you do?"

"Hard to say," replied the solicitor. "The strange thing is, there's no communication from Levigne himself!"

"Just so!" agreed Wedgwood. He rose quietly, preparing to slip noiselessly away. "I'm off!" he whispered with a nod.

"Where?" asked Curtoise. "Not———?"

"There!" answered Wedgwood. "Mortover Grange!"

He hastened into the street, hailed a taxi-cab, and bade its driver hurry to St. Pancras. And as his cab drew up, another cab came alongside, and from it descended Mr. and Mrs. Patello.