Page:Floating City (1904).djvu/255

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There was a new light in her eyes, as she saw Fabian, trembling and speechless, standing before her with outstretched arms.

"Fabian! Fabian!" cried she, at last.

Fabian caught her in his arms, where she fell in an unconscious state. He uttered a piercing cry, thinking that Ellen was dead, but the Doctor interposed.

"Don't be alarmed," said he; "this crisis, on the contrary, will be the means of saving her!"

Ellen was carried to Clifton House and put to bed, where she recovered consciousness and slept peacefully.

Fabian, encouraged by the Doctor, was full of hope. Ellen had recognized him! Coming back to us, he said to me,—

"We shall save her, we shall save her! Every day I watch her coming back to life. To-day, to-morrow, perhaps she will be restored to me. Ah! the just God be praised! We will stay here as long as it is necessary for her, shall we not, Archibald?"

The Captain clasped Fabian in his arms; then the latter turned to the Doctor and me. He loaded us with thanks, and inspired us with the hope which filled his breast, and never was there better reason for hope—Ellen's recovery was near at hand.

But we must be starting, and there was hardly an hour for us to reach Niagara Falls. Ellen was still sleeping