Page:Flora Australiensis Volume 5.djvu/590

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long, pinnatifid, the lobes reaching more than half way to the midrib, obliquely lanceolate or triangular, rigid and pungent-pointed, often distance, 2 to 4 lines long, with recurved margins, white underneath. Flower-heads axillary, distant or crowded, surrounded by a few long floral leaves. Involucre campanulate, rarely above ½ in. long, the outer bracts rather broad and acute, the inner ones narrow, all tomentose or villous and some or all tapering into fine often recurved points. Perianths nearly 1 in. long, woolly-villous above the short glabrous base, the remainder densely silky-hairy except the glabrous limb. Style not much longer than the perianth, with a small slightly clavate stigmatic end. Capsule about ½ in. long, densely villous.

W. Australia. Drummond, 4th coll. n. 315. This and the following species have the involucres and flowers almost of the Concinnæ.

33. D. patens, Benth. A branching shrub, nearly allied to D. Hewardiana, but with the fewer more spreading floral leaves of the Concinnæ and a different involucre. Leaves 4 to 10 in. long, deeply pinnatifid, the lobes lanceolate or triangular, very rigid and pungent-pointed, mostly distant, with recurved margins, white underneath. Flower-heads axillary, sessile or shortly pedunculate. Involucre capanulate, under ½ in. long as in D. Hewardiana, but tomentose not villous, the bracts broader obtuse or rarely mucronate, all appressed. Perianth nearly 1 in. long, woolly-villous above the short glabrous base, then silky-hairy except the glabrous limb. Style scarcely exceeding the perianth, with a small slightly clavate stigmatic end.—D. concinna, Meissn. in Pl. Preiss. ii. 266, and in DC. Prod. xiv. 477, not of R. Br.

W. Australia. Drummond, 2nd coll. n. 341.

34. D. conferta, Benth. A shrub apparently low, but with the stout erect stems of D. circioides and its allies. Leaves crowded, narrow, 3 to 6 in. long, pinnatifid, the lobes rather distant, rigid, pungent-pointed, white underneath with revolute margins as in D. Hewardiana. Flower-heads axillary, closely surrounded by long floral leaves. Involucre ovoid, villous and perhaps somewhat viscid, nearly ¾ in.long, the bracts numerous, narrow-lanceolate or linear, obtuse or scarcely acute, closely appressed or inflexed after flowering. Perianths under 1 in. long, densely woolly-villous above the short glabrous base, the limb narrow, 1½ lines long, villous with a few long hairs, as well as the upper part of the tube. Style scarcely exceeding the perianth, with a small slender stigmatic end.

W. Australia. Drummond, 3rd coll. n. 295. These specimens referred by Meissner to D. patens (D. concinna, Meissn., not of R. Br.), with doubt in Pl. Preiss. ii. 266, more positively in DC. Prod. xiv. 477, appear to me to differ too much in the involucres and perianths to be united with that species.

There are other specimens from Drummond, n. 7, with the foliage of this and the preceding species, with glabrous lanceolate involucral bracts approaching those of D. serratuloides; the flowers are however all fallen away, and the species, if really distinct, cannot be accurately described.