Page:Flowers of the forest (1).pdf/7

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Blyth, blythe and merry was she,
Blythe was she but and ben;
0 weel she lo'ed a Hawick gill,
And leugh to see a tappit hen.
She took me in, and set me down,
And hecht to keep me lawin free;
But cunning carlin that she was,
she gar‘d me birl my bawbee.
Blyth, blyth, &c.

We lo'ed the liquor weel enough,
But waes my heart my cash was done,
Before that I had quench'd my drouth,
And laith I was to pawn my shoon.
When we had three times toom'd our
And the neist chappin new begun,
In started, to heeze up our hope,
Young Andro wi‘ his cutty gun.
Blyth, blyth, &c.

The earlin brought her kebbuck ben,
With girdle cakes weel toasted brown,
Weel does the canny kimmer ken

They gar the scuds gae glibber down.