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but I doubt it. Modern society concentrates its vital points most conveniently for us. If we had ourselves devised and ordered a method of grouping the millions of people to put them at our mercy, we could not have improved upon the present organization of things. No; we shall give two illustrations of what we can do; and no one will ask any more. They will ask us only what we want; and they will give it to us, whatever it is."

"You mean," said Helen Lacey's quivering lips, "you mean, by striking, you are going to drop your ton bombs upon some city?"

"Not necessarily," Bane put in before Cawder could answer. "Perhaps we strike first a ship at sea. There is something peculiarly impressive about the destruction of a ship at sea. The loss on board the Titanic was nothing in comparison to earthquakes; but the Titanic took the popular imagination as no other disaster until another ship like it was sunk, when the Lusitania was sent down."

"Perhaps you had better proceed," suggested Cawder coldly.

"I suppose," continued Bane, ignoring him,