Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/289

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Folk-lore Bibliography.
Gomme, G. L. The Village Community, with special reference to the origin and form of its survivals in Britain (Scott). Crown 8vo. pp. xii, 299.
Muir, J., C.I.E., D.C.L., LL.D., Ph.D. Original Sanskrit Texts, on the Origin and the History of the People of India: Their Religion and Institutions. Vol. I, Mythical and Legendary Accounts of the Origin of Caste, with an inquiry into its existence in the Vedic Age. 3rd edit., post 8vo. (Trübner).
Schrader, O. Prehistoric Antiquities of Aryan Peoples. Translated by F. B. Jevons. (Griffin). 8vo.


Chamberlain, B. H. The Serpent with Eight Heads. A Japanese Fairy Tale. Griffith and Farren.
Darmesteter, J. Chants populates des Afghans (text and translation). 8vo. pp. ccxvii, 299, 304.
Eaton, A. W. Acadian Legends and Lyrics '(New York). 12mo. pp. vi, 148.
Grimmell, G. Bird. Pawnee Hero-Stories and Folk-Tales; with Notes on the Origin, Customs, and Character of the Pawnee People. Illustrated. 5th ed., New York, 12mo. pp. 417. Cf. notice, Jl. of Am. Folk-Lore, No. viii, p. 80.
Hartland, E. S. English Fairy and other Folk-tales, selected and edited with an Introduction (Scott). 16mo. pp. xxvi, 282.
Hodgetts, Miss E. M. R. Tales from the Land of the Czar (Griffith and Farren). 8vo. pp. viii, 312.
Jahn, U. Volksagen aus Pommern und Rügen. 2nd edit., Berlin 8vo. pp. xxviii, 566.
Kingscote, Mrs. H., and Sasatri, N. Tales of the Sun (W. H. Allen). Crown 8vo.
MacInnes, Rev. D., and NUTT, A. Folk and Hero Tales of Argyllshire (D. Nutt). 8vo. pp. xx, 497. [Also as No. 22 of the publications of the Folk-Lore Society.]
Paris, G. Les Chants populaires du Piémont (extrait du Journal des Savants, Sept.-Nov. 1889). Imprimerie Nationale.
Parkinson, Rev. T. Yorkshire Legends: as told by her ancient chronicles, poets, and journalists. Second Series (E. Stock). 8vo. pp. 242.


Lippert, C. J. Die tschechische Ursage und ihre Entstehung (Prague). 8vo. pp. 25.
Saltzmann, H. Der historisch- mythologische Hintergrund und das System der Sage im Cyklus des Guillaume d’Orange und in den mit ihm vewandten Sagenkreisen (Königsberg). 4to. pp. 40.