Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/443

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Marriage Customs of the Mordvins.

months to work. A thick candle, and several thinner ones, have also been made ready for the occasion. The bridegroom’s father lights the smaller ones before the holy pictures, but sets up the large one on the threshold. It is called “the house candle”, and such a one is used in every home at family prayers. He then turns towards the pictures with a prayer to God to bless the bridegroom, and after that, turning towards the large candle, he exclaims:

O father, Chim Paz, illuminate thy son. Illuminate his eyes to see good and evil. Make him to live prosperously. Make his heart amiable towards his wife, make his wife’s heart amiable towards him. Give her plenty of children, and of wealth.”

The bridegroom now gives a loaf to his father, who cuts off a piece with three slashes, takes it to the threshold and places it near the candle. With a loaf and a holy picture he gives a blessing to his son, and then makes the signal for departure. The party[1] then mounts into vehicles and drives[2] to the bride’s house, but always by a circuitous route through the forest and across fields, unless it happens to be in the same village as the bridegroom’s dwelling. After driving for a short distance the cortège halts, and the best man[3] walks round it, slashing all the time with a

  1. It is not positively stated here whether the bridegroom accompanies the party or not. In some places (Nizhegorod) he stays at home, and next day hurries to church secretly, and on foot.
  2. Among the Erza of Teryshevsk (Simbirsk), the bridegroom’s mother drives off first with a crown on her head and a candle in her hand. His father follows second, but before getting into his carriage bows down to the ground towards the east, and throws a handful of money in four directions. The bridegroom has the third place. Before the party starts, the horseman who leads the way circles thrice round it with the sun. At Chistopolsk (Kazan), the bridegroom also goes with the party to the bride’s.
  3. Often there are two best men. The principal one of the two is also master of the ceremonies, and ought to be very quick at repartee and badinage. Sometimes the youngest paternal or maternal uncle, or the eldest brother of the bridegroom, acts in this capacity, while an