Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/583

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[No. 51.]

Title Of Story. The Singing Bone.

Dramatis Per SOnae. Wild Boar. King. King's "daughter. Elder brother. Younger brother. Little man. Shepherd.

Abstract Of Story (1) King offers reward for capture of wild boar that devastates the land. No one ventures the attempt. At length marriage with king's daughter is promised to slayer of wild boar. (2) Two brothers, poor countrymen, come forward. King bids them enter forest from opposite sides to make sure of catching boar. Younger brother is met in forest by little man, who, in recognition of his simplicity and goodness, gives him black spear which will overcome wild boar. (3) Before long wild boar rushes furiously at him, and its heart is severed by spear. Younger brother takes monster on his back and goes homeward. (4) Coming out on other side of forest he passes drinking-house, which elder brother had entered to gain courage by drink. Seeing younger brother with booty he is envious, and craftily invites him to take refresh- ment. Youth, suspecting nothing, enters and relates about spear. They remain till dark, and on way home elder brother strikes the other dead as he crosses brook, and buries him beneath bridge. (5) Then takes boar to king, pretending it has slain younger brother, and obtains king's daughter in marriage. (6) Years afterwards shepherd sees snow- white little bone in sand beneath bridge ; picks it up to make mouth-piece for horn ; when he blows through it the bone sings :

"Ah, friend, thou blowest upon my bone !

Long have I lain beside the water ; My brother slew me for the boar,

And took to wife the king's young daughter."

Shepherd marvels and takes it to king, who understands bone's song, and has bridge dug up. (7) Skeleton of murdered man is found and buried in churchyard ; wicked brother is sewn up in sack and drowned.

Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Boar slain by younger brother (3).

Bone of murdered man made into shepherd's whistle (6).

Elder brother claims king's daughter (5)

Elder brother murders younger brother (4).

Elder brother sewn in sack and drowned (7).

Marriage with king's daughter promised to slayer of wild boar (1).

Murder of younger brother by elder (4).

Shepherd finds bone of murdered man (6).

Singing bone reveals murder (6).