Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/599

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of absence for long time of he-bear. He says he has been " twenty miles along the side of the river, then over the back of the Rocky Mountains, and then skirting round the forest till he came to the kingdom of Persia," whence there went up a great wail, for last night the king of Persia fell out of window, and broke all his bones, flesh all cut with glass, which has entered into his wounds. Tells her if people only knew it, they would both be killed. The only thing to save king is the fat of both their bodies melted together, an ointment made of it with honey and wax, and smeared over king's body, then warm bath. This done for three days alternately he will be cured. They agree nobody will find them, and go to sleep. Maiden gets down from tree, draws out two sharp two-edged knives from girdle, and kills both bears at same time. Next morning cuts up bears, takes out fat, melts it clown, and makes ointment with it and honey and wax found in girdle, sets off by route described by bear, finds herself in kingdom of Persia. (6) Goes to palace, offers to cure king, is joyfully admitted by chamberlain, who says so hopeless is the case considered that no one will make the attempt to heal him, no one has applied but herself. King wil- lingly submits to treatment; is cured. Will not part with physician ; will keep her at court. Notices flush of joy; suspects sex, but says nothing. (7) At last, as with continual intercourse they grow very fond of each other, king calls chamberlain, tells him he desires state physician to appear before him in queenly robes, attended by train of ladies, damsels, and pages. Chamberlain thinks king gone mad, reluctantly does as he is told. Phy- sician is so pleased chamberlain thinks him mad too. King commands attendance of all great officers of state, but has physician brought privately to him first. She confesses sex. He takes her into presence of assembled court, and requires homage to his queen. Wicked sisters are sent for and burnt.

Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Bears, heroine understands language of, kills them, and makes ointment of

fat (5).

Choice of presents by daughters (1). Fairy appears, provides heroine with outfit (4). Heroine leaves home (4).

King of Persia falls out of window (5), is healed (G), marries heroine (7). Merchant goes trading journey (1). Pot of marjoram, chosen by third daughter (1), bought from stranger (2),

thrown out of window (3). Price, immense, of pot of marjoram (2).

Where published. Folklore of Rome, by K. H. Busk. London, 1874. Tale No. 7, pp. 46-55.