Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/602

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ment, and linen for bandages, and demands to be left alone with him for a week ; at end of time he is cured. (7) Then she appears before him, he recognises her, demands of king to marry surgeon, king thinks him mad, humours him, orders bridal robes for pretended surgeon. Ladies of court see she is a woman, prince silences their exclamations. Marriage takes place, king is told she is a real maiden, he knows things can'c be altered so says nothing. " So the merchant's daughter became the prince's wife."

Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Heroine leaves home in man's dress (5).

King's son fetched by burning of leaf of rue (3), hurt by coming too fast

when whole plant is burnt (4), healed by sham doctor (6), marries

heroine (7).

Leaf of rue to burn every night (2) (3). Ogre and ogress talk of cure, heroine hears (5). Pot of rue chosen (1), asked of king (2), burnt (4). Presents chosen (1).

Promise, consequence of unfulfilled (2). Ship will not move (2). Threat of death on whoever shall ask for a leaf of rue (2).

Where published. Folklore of Rome. E. H. Busk. London, 1874. Tale No. 8, pp. 5762.

Nature of Collection,- w hether :

1. Original or translation. Told in Italian to Miss Busk.

2. If by word of mouth, state narrator's name.

3. Other particulars.

Special Points noted by the Editor of the above- See Author's notes,

pp. 64-5.

Remarks by the Tabulator. For part of incident (2), see La Cenorientola, No. 4 of this collection, also Jonah, chap. I.