Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 10, 1899.djvu/547

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Abercromby, Hon. John, review by, Comparett€ s Traditional Poetry of the Finns, 104 Ablulions, purificatory of Izanagi,

301, and parallels, 302 Abrege L\ des J\Ie>-veilles, traduit de I'Arabe, d'apres les Manuscrils de la Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris. Par le Baron Carra de Vaux, re- viewed by J. B. Andrews, 229 Abruzzi, the. Holy Week Observance

in, by Grant Allen, 1 1 1 Achilpa or wild-cat totem, restrictions

of, 236 Address by Prof Starr, 445 Adoption of girls, India, 438 Aegina, voice divination in, &c., 155 Aeschylus, story of his death, 182 Aesop's Fables in Armenia, origin of

the Fables of Wardan, 471-3 Africa, (see also Egypt, West African Studies), folklore of; Amazulu custom of cattle-eating, 378 ; Baronga folklore, 221, 225 ; Sacred cattle of the Damara, 371 ; Secret societies in, 226 ; Tar-Baby story, 282 ; theology of West Africa, 39 After-life, Australian belief in, 16,

Aghori faqirs, India, 407

Agricultural folklore ; blazing the wheat, lOl ; luck-bringer, Finnish, 106 ; lucky day for planting, Hebrides, 268

Ague, cures for, Greek Isles, 165

Cure for (Suffolk), by M. II.

James, 365

Ahonawilona, Zufii god, 33

Ahone, superior Virginian god, with- out idol, 40

Ahti, 107

Aijo, Finn name for Devil, 330

Ailcll, a real person, 218

Akka, wife of Ukko the Finn god, 328

Alcheringa traditions of the Arunta tribes of C. Australia, 235, 237

Alexander the Great, drug sought by,

231 ; his visits to the Cynocephals,

229 All Saints' Day, souls in Purgatory

free on, 121, unlucky if on

Wednesday, Hebrides, 267 All Souls' Day. spectres pass through

church porch at Aurillac, 333 Allen, Grant, Holy Week Observance

in the Abruzzi, iii Alms-giving, India, 406, conventions

of, 407 Aloe of Socotra and its use, 231 Altar-post, anointing of, 372 Amazulu, cattle-eating amongst, 378 Ambleteuse, sacred spring, &c. at,

and Norwegian parallel, 460 Ame no Uzume, dance of, 306, 307 America, folk-lore of, British

Columbia, "Sqaktktquaclt" story,

195 ; Digger Indian beliefs, 39 ;

Indian sacrifices to totems, 374 ;

Massachusetts, snake-form of god

in, 21 ; Virginian idols and gods,

40 ; Californian tribes, myths of,

341 Amsterdam, the Hartjesdag at, 246 Amrita, (ambrosia) India, 419 Amulets, 153, of plants, 152 Anahite, Armenian divinity, 473 Ancestor-making in India, 425 worship, Baronga tribe, 226 ;

China, 302 ; Fiji, 44 ; Japan, 302,

313. 323 Andrews, J. B., review by, Vaux's

Abrege des Merveilles tr adit it de

I'Arabe, 229 Angel Steeple, Canterbury, 359 Angle Ditch, the, excavation of, 89,

Anglo-Saxon deficiency in myth, 82 Animal Dances, Australian, 19

remains of bronze age, 89

sacrifices, bulls as alms to St.

Cuthbert, 353, modern instances of, 178, 253 Animals in folklore, (^see Fables of Wardan), see Antelope, Ass, Bear, Beavers, Black Boar, Bullock, Bulls, (winged). Calves, Camel, Cat,