Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 10, 1899.djvu/579

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witches, Indian folktale, 424 ; in sunstroke charm, 167 ; turned into wine, 230; in unbinding spells, 159; for washing clothes not to come to the boil a second time, 271 ; wonderfully distilled in Egypt. 230 Water-finder, methods and success of,


Water-horses, belief in, Co. Ros- common, 123

Water-kelpies, Scandinavian folklore, 460

Water superstitions, non- Aryan, 142

Waters, Indian god of, 423

of healing, 231

Watts, G. J., Burial Customs, 253

Wax-melting in magic, 152

Weather folklore, {see Rain and Wind), foreshadowed by that on August 4 to 15, Cos, 179 ; storm- making for punishing thief, 227, by moving skull, loi ; wind-storm raising, 215

gods, Ilmarinen, 106 ; Viiina-

mciinen, 329

Weaving, of the Sun - goddess, Japanese myth, 305

Wednesday, All Saint's Day unlucky if falling on, 267 ; old German birth augury for, 116

Well, maidens and ogre at bottom of, Lesbos, 496

Wells ; St. Austin's, Cerne, 479 ; St. Brigid's, 121 ; Ilel well, Cerne, 479 ; seeing faces in, on Easter morning, 480 ; water of, bubbling on approach of Heroine, Indian tales, 423

Wells cathedral, Kill-Canon Corner at, 358

Werewolves, Scandinavian folklore, 460

Werner, Miss A., The Tar-Baby Story, 282 ; review by, Junod's Chants et Contes des Baronga, 221

West African Studies, by Mary H. Kingsley, reviewed by E. S. Hart- land, 447

West side of road used at night, Hebrides, 269

Westj)halia, switching young heifers on May Day, iSo

Wheel-snakes, Scandinavian folklore, 460

Whip-cracking over cattle to drive

away witches, Whitsuntide, Ger- many, 180

Whistling the speech of devils, 172 ; unlucky underground, ib., wind- raising by, 312-3

White bull as part of freeman's dues, 356 ; in Heraldry, 357 ; in form of tenure, 356

White Cattle in British Folktales and Customs, by R. Hedger Wal- lace, 352

■ in Druid ceremonial 353

clothes in Girgenti procession,

253, of May Ladies, 443

lamb lucky to see first in the

season, 121

rabbit ill-omened, 333

Whitsuntide whip-cracking to scare

away witches, Germany, 180 Widows, ceremonies performed by,

Indian folktales, 439, sacrificed in

Egypt, 229 Wife, calumniated, a special feature in

Indian folktales, 423 ; sacrificed to ,

ensure foundations of bridge, 182 ;

wooden, 209-10 Wild cat, totem, 236 Willy Howe barrow, empty, 93 Wiltshire, results of excavations in,


Wind in box, tb. ; and the Devil at Lincoln 333-4, wind god of the La[)ps, 329 ; wintl and St. Laurence, legend of, 334 ; se- lecting of, in the Hervey Islands, 250

Wind and weather- Holes, by M. Peacock, 249

Winds, knots of, 106 ; round cathe- drals, 358, whistling to raise, 312-3

Wine, water turned into, 230

Winged animals, Indian folklore,

Winnanulbooroo, All-Hearing spirit,

Australia, 491 Winter, driving out of, at Heidol-

Ijcrg, 178 Wintu, the, Olelbis, 18, myths of,

341. 342 Wiraijuri myths, 17 Wiradthur tribe, alleged orgies of,

19 Wirrccnun, Australian wizard, 13, 36 Wise men and women, good and bad,

in Dorsetshire, 480, 481, 4S6-7 ; in

Iceland, 460 IVit, Character, Folklore and Customs


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