Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/130

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I20 Miscellanea.

Medical Superstition in Cyprus. [The following official notes of a trial in the District Court of Larnaca, on the 27th October last, have been kindly forwarded by Mr. Andrew Lang, who received them from Professor Ritchie, of St. Andrew's, by whose permission they are printed. They are of interest as illustrating an ancient superstition referred to in Mr. Rouse's paper on " Folklore from the Southern Sporades," Folk- Lore^ vol. X. pp. 156 sqq?^

In the District Court of Larnaca. 1899. No. 141. Before Th. W. Haycraft, Esq., P.D.C. Vassili Papakyriaco, of Tochni . . . Plaintiff.

and Haralampi H. Rafail, of Tochni . . . Defendant.

Date of Writ of Summons, 25 July, 1899. Claim that the Defendant either deliver a Snake's Horn, lent by the Plaintiff on 27th April, 1899, or the payment of

^8o, the value thereof, and costs.

Sitting of the 19th September, 1899. Settlement of Issues. Plaintiff in person. Mr. Efthymiades for Defendant.

Plaintiff says: On 27th April (O.S.) I lent to Defendant a horn, under a condition that he would return it next day, if not, or if it was lost, he would compensate me. We did not mention the amount. The value is ^80. He has not returned it, and when I ask for it he says, " They have lost it."

Defendant says : I admit having received the horn, and that it was lost in our hands. I say its value is not more than los., which sum we have offered him and he has refused. We are willing at any moment to give him the los., if he will take it.

Issue. Is the sum of los. sufficient compensation as the value of the horn lent to the Defendant by the Plaintiff and lost by the Defendant ?

(Signed) Th. W. Haycraft, P.D.C.

Hearing fixed in presence of Plaintiff for the 26th October, 1899, 9 a.m.

(Signed) W. A. Dandolo, A.R.D.C. 4/10/99-