Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/138

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The Contents of Periodicals exclusively devoted to Folklore are not noted.

Fortnightly Review, January, 1900. J. G. Frazer, Suggestions as to the Origin of Gender in Language.
Journal of the Anthropological Institute, N.S., ii, 1, 2. H. F. F. Marriott, The Secret Societies of West Africa. Le Comte C. N. de Cardi, Ju-ju Laws and Customs in the Niger Delta. A. L. Bennett, Ethnographical Notes on the Fang. R. C. Temple, The Beginnings of Currency.
Indian Antiquary, July, 1899. M. N. Venketswami, Folklore in the Central Provinces of India. November. M. R. Pedlow, A Folktale from Central India.
Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1899. P. F. S. Amery, Sixteenth Report of the Committee on Devonshire Folklore. [Charms, witchcraft, blason populaire, &c.]
Report of the U. S. National Museum for 1897. J. D. McGuire, Pipes and Smoking Customs of the American Aborigines.
Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, xl, 2. E. Blochet, Études sur l'Histoire religieuse de l'Iran; ii., L'Ascension au ciel du Prophète Mohammed.
Globus, lxxiv, 3. R. Lasch, Rache als Selbstmordmotiv. lxxv, 5. R. Lasch, Religiöser Selbstmord und seine Beziehung zum Menschenopfer. lxxvi, 4. R. Lasch, Die Behandlung der Leiche des Selbstmörders. lxxvii, 7. R. Lasch, Der Verbleibsorte der abgeschiedenen Seelen der Selbstmörder.
Mittheilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, N. F., 18. R. Lasch, Ueber Geophagie.
Zeitschrift für Socialwissenschaft, ii, 8, 9. R. Lasch, Der Selbstmord aus erotischen Motiven bei den primitiven Völkern. [All these articles by Dr. Lasch are of great interest.]