Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/194

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184 Minutes of Meeting.

gave some illustrations of the game of Cat's Cradle as prac- tised by the Papuans. Votes of thanks were accorded to Professor Haddon for his lecture and to Dr. Rivers and Mr. Ray for their exhibition.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21st, 1900. Mr. G. L. GOMME, Vice-President, in the Chair.

The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The resignations of Comte de Charencey and Mr. J. Bar- well were announced. The election of Judge F. Baker was also announced.

Miss Grove exhibited some photographs of Bacchanalian dances on sarcophagi at Rome and Pompeii.

The Secretary read a note by Miss E. Skeffington Thompson, on the First-Foot Superstition in Lancashire {infra, p. 220), upon which the Rev. E. W. Clarke and Mr. Emslie offered some observations.

Mr. E. K. Chambers read a paper entitled " The Feast of Fools," and in the discussion which followed Mr. Emslie, Mr. Bouverie Pusey, the Rev. E. W. Clarke, and the Chairman took part.

A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Chambers for his paper.

The following short papers were also read : —

" Notes on Korean Folklore," by the Rev. J. S. Gale ; " Horses' Heads, Weathercocks, &c.," by Mr. N. W. Thomas ; " The Bumble Bee in Folklore," by Miss M. Peacock ; and a note on the Japanese legend of Ama Terasu, by Miss Louise Kennedy.