Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/373

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Vol. XL] DECEMBER, 1900. [No. IV.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th, 1900.

The President (Mr. E. Sidney Hartland) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of Professor Usener of Bonn as a member of the Society was announced.

The President referred in feeling terms to the loss that had been sustained by the nation at large, and especially by all interested in anthropology and kindred sciences, or in the treatment of native races in Africa, by the lamented death of Miss Mary Kingsley.

The Secretary exhibited three Japanese fishing flies tied entirely without European models, presented to the Society by Major C. S. Cumberland. Dr. Caster exhibited several mediaeval woodcut initials representing children's games, of which Mr. Gomme gave some explanations.

The Rev. Professor A. H. Sayce read a paper entitled " Cairene Folklore," and in the discussion which followed Dr. Caster, Mr. F. T. Elworthy, Mr. Andrews, Mr. Kirby, Mr. Janvier, and the President took part.

Votes of thanks were accorded to the lecturer and the donors of exhibits.

A pamphlet entitled " Des Sangers Lust," containing 1,100 German popular songs, presented to the Society by Dr. Gaster, was laid upon the table.

VOL. XI. 2 A