Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/485

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Bibliography. 463


The Contents of Periodicals excliisively devoted to Folklore are not noted.

American Anthropologist, N.S., ii, 3. A. C. Cook, The Abo- rigines of the Canary Islands. R. H. Mathews, The Wombya Organisation of the AustraUan Aborigines. H. N. Wardle, The Sedna Cycle : a Study in Myth Evolution.

A Tradigao, September, 1900. N. W. Thomas, O mercado de grillos. October, L. Ficarra, Resposta I. al Questionario sobre a crengas relativas aos animaes.

Archiv fiir Relig-ionswissenschaft, iii. 3. E. Midler, Die Sage von Uppalavanna. H. Steinthal, Einleitung in die Mytho- logie. Dr. Hofler, Les Orvals. H. Schukoivitz, " Rosen- garten." F. Branky, Zur Volksmedizin.

British Medical Journal, November 10, 1900. G. F. Sydenhatn, West Somerset Medical Folklore.

Fortnightly Review, October, 1900. /. G. Frazer, The Satur- nalia and Kindred Festivals, Part I. November, Ibid., Part II.

The Humanitarian, September. G. Laurence Gomme, The Sin of Witchcraft.

Indian Antiquary, September. R. C. Temple, The Thirty-seven Nats (Spirits) of the Burmese. Sir J. M. Catfipbell, Notes on the Spirit Basis of Belief and Custom. October, R. C. Temple, The Thirty-seven Nats (Spirits) of the Burmese.

Internationales Archiv fiir Ethnographic, xiii, 3, 4. F. Kunze, Der Birkenbesen, ein Symbol des Donar (Eine mythologische Untersuchung).

Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xxix. (N. S., ii.), 3, 4. E. Westermarck, The Nature of the Arab Gmw, illustrated by the Present Beliefs of the People of Morocco. W. Crooke, Primitive Rites of Disposal of the Dead, with special reference to India.

The Nineteenth Century, November, 1900. Fiona Macleod, The Gael and his Heritage (a review of Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica).

Revue Celtique, xxi, 3. Salomon Reinach, Les Survivances de Totemisme chez les Anciens Celtes. (Illustre.)