Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/503

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ridden at certain feasts, 20 ; thread

tied in hair as charm against evil

eye &c., S. Uist, 439-40 ; wild,

demon as, 14 Horseflesh, food obtained by threat

to eat. Saga of King Sverri, 196 Horse's ears, chief with, Lleyn

(Carnarvon), 234 Horse-shoe, against witchcraft,

Dorset, 108-9 ! Cairene folktale of,


Hot springs, Cairene folktale to

explain, 378 Howes or barrows, Age of, 83-4 ;

burial of Fro, 293-4 Hulila, see Avezuha Hull, first foot at, 220 Human remains, use in magic dis- cussed by R. R. Marett, 17S-9 Human sacrifice, see Sacrifice, human Hungary : {see also Ruthenia ; and

Sugolia) ; marmots and snakes

caught for magic, 255 Hungerford, greasy pig caught,

251-2 Hunting, ceremonial, 20, 21, 250-1 ;

charms, Malay, 308 Huva, see Avezuha

Iceland, charming of log, Grettis Saga, 412 ; dragons' heads as gable ornaments, 322 ; Fro wor- shipped, 292 ; Boer's Grettis Saga Asnnindarsonar reviewed, 406-14 ; guardian spirits, 237 ; head of corpse "thigh-forked," 413 ; priest- esses, 297-8 ; priesthood, 277-8 ; pro- verbs, 195-6, 410-2 ; sacred arm- rings, 284 ; wise women, 298

Idols, see Images, sacred

Images, sacred, blackened by fire, 33 ; colours of, 28-33 > fallen from heaven, 34-5; found in bogs &c., 30-1

Immortelles given on betrothal, Suffolk, 205

Incantations, Italian, 309 ; Scotch Highlands and islands, 419-21

India : {see also Assam ; Benares ; Bengal ; Bhils ; Bihar ; Bombay ; Braj ; Ceylon ; Deccan ; Hai- darabad ; Himalaya ; Jasoli ; Jumna ; Kanara ; Kathiawar ; Kumaon ; Madras ; Malabar ; Mandhata ; Marathi ; Panjab ;

Rajputana ; and Rohilkhand ) ; caste, origin and development of, 405-6 ; cattle gods, local, 6 ; deification in. Sir A. C. I^yall on, 89 ; Hindu Notes, by M. N. Venkataswami, 218-9; Jaina prejudice against mutilation, 346 ; The Legends of Krishna, by W. Crooke, 1-38 ; Malay greater gods and drama of Hindu derivation, 305 ; Crooke and Rouse's The Talking Thrush and other Tales from India reviewed, 315-6; witchcraft, 90; Eastern, water of life can be drawn from little finger, 433-4

Initiatory ceremonies, C. Australia, 74-5 ; N.W. Canada, 64, 75 ; perhaps survive in magic powers derived from animals, 245-6

Inscription on Roman Lamp, by C. G. Leland, 323-4

Insects in folklore, see Ant ; Bee ; Beetle ; Bug ; Butterfly ; Cater- pillar ; Cockchafer ; Cockroach ; Cricket; Fleas; Fly ; Gadfly; Glow- worm ; Ladybird ; Mosquito ; Moth ; Spider ; Stagbeetle ; Wasp ; Weevil

International Congress of Folklore in Paris, 126, 427-33

Intichiuma ceremonies, C. Australia,


Ireland : {see also Connemara ; Donegal ; Ossory ; Tipperary ; and Wicklow) ; animal ancestors, 234 ; bull-baiting, St. Stephen's Day, 256 ; cricket respected, 240 ; deer, fox, and hare hunted, St. Martin's Day, 250-1 ; donkey's ears cut off, 457 ; fish tabooed locally, 243 ; Midas type of folk- tales, 234 ; Deeney's Peasatit Lore from Gaelic Ireland reviewed, 317 ; totem clans, 232 ; wolf form of human being, 236 ; wren respected locally, 242 ; West, magpie and sea-swallow respected, 241

Irminsul, 296-7

Irmin, cult of, 296-7

Iron : {see also Horse-shoe ; Knife ; attd Nails) ; customs relating to, 105 ; use in animal sacrifices often tabooed, 249

Iroquois rites, customs, and societies, 190-3

Irpa, cult of, 291