Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/512

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99 ; Norwetjian, 196 ; Shetland,

316 Prussia, see Erfurt ; Prussia, East ;

Prussia, West Prussia, East, magpie and spider

respected, 241 Prussia, West, head of dead cut off to

prevent infliction of disease on

living, 249 Psychoanaspastria, see Gylo Puck, afrit resembling, Cairo, 390 Pushkar, mock combats at, 19 Pyramids at Giza, haunted by ghost

of British soldier, 389 Pyromanteia, 18

Quail, respected, Miinsterland, 241 Quamaits, supreme goddess of Bella

Coola Indians, 301 Queensland, totem clans, 75

Rabbit, buried, Biddenham, 245 ; carried in procession, 258 ; sacri- ficed, Lille, 253

Races of Maji, The : an Outline of Anthropology and Ethnography, by J- Deniker, reviewed by E. S. Hartland, 207-8

Raft, story of, in Saga of King Sverri, 196

Rag-tree, associated with Krishna, 17; "shrine tree" with rag offerings to Korean mountain spirit, 329

Rain, coco-nuts flung as charm for, Ceylon, 19 ; feathers and hair associated with rain-making, Aus- tralia, 437 ; Krishna protects flocks from, 16 : sacrifice by king for, Korea, 326; stone-throwing rites for, Ahmadnagar, 19 ; tribal deity of Thompson Indians, British Colum- bia, 398

Rainbow. Cairene saying of, 381

Rajputana : (see also Pushkar) ; me- teorite ground to powder, 36

Ram, see Sheep

Rama, birth of, 7 ; old agricultural god, 6 ; overcomes demon, 14 ; slays demon ass, 13

Raphael, in legend of child-stealing witch, 159

Rats, foretell death, Wiltshire, 344-S : plague of, from discontinuing stone- throwing rites, India, 19

Raven, form of child-stealing witch, Rumania, 1 33; form of guardian

spirit, 237 ; form of soul, 235 ; in

folktale from N.W. America, 206 ;

kept for divination, 244 ; respected

locally, 241 ; taken for medicine,

Tirol, 255; a "transformer" in

mythology of Thompson Indians,

British Columbia, 397 Rawen Niyoh, Iroquois creator, 191 Rebirth, see Reincarnation Reddi swinging rites, Bombay, 23 Red Sea, in Hebrew charm, 156 ;

in Russian charm, 154 Redstart, respected, Bohemia, 241 Reincarnation beliefs : Arunta, C.

Australia, 65-7 ; Bella Coola

Indians, 303 ; Hurons and Wyan-

dots, 193 Religion, definitions of, discussed,

93, 163-4, 181-2 Religion, Pre-animistic, by R. R.

Marett, 162-82 Report of Council, 43 Reptiles in folklore, see Frog ;

Lizard ; Snake ; and Toad Rerrick, cormorant respected, 240 Reutlingen, beetle respected, 239 Reviews, 81-104, 188-208, 301-17,

396-426 Rhaetia, horses' heads as gable

ornaments, 322 Rhinoceros, horn as antidote to poison,

Cairo, 380 Rhuddlan, yellowhammer tabooed,

242 Rice harvest customs and beliefs,

Malays, 306 Rice thrown into wells as off"ering,

Korea, 332 Riddles : Petsch's Neue Beitrdge zur

Kentniss des Volksrdthsels re- viewed, 312 Rings, arm, sacred, Iceland, 284 ;

magic, for epilepsy, Dorset, 112 P».ivers and streams, spirits of, Korea,

332 Robin, eaten, 259 ; killed, Le

Charme, Candlemas, 256 ; must

not be killed, 239 Rohilkhand, see Ahichatra Roman lamp, inscription on, 323-4 Roman Catholic Church, alphabet

used in consecrating, 105 Rook, tabooed, N.E. Scotland, 242 Rope, used to hang person, as cure,

Devon, 217 ; left-handed, cures

colic in animals, Hebrides, 447-8 Roses, in Greek folktale, 340