Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/359

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Minutes of Meeting.

In the discussion which followed, Mr. Whittaker, Mr. Longworth Dames, Mr. Higgens, Miss Burne, Miss Jessie Weston, and the President took part.

The Meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Lovett for his paper.

The following books which have been presented to the Society since the last Meeting, were laid on the table, viz.:

Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen, by E. N. Setälä and Kaarle Krohn, presented by the authors; and the Transactions of the Cymmrodorion Society, 1900-1, presented by the Society.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 16th, 1902.

The President (Mr. E. VV. Brabrook) in the Chair.

This being a Special Meeting no minutes were read.

The President called on Mr. Lang, who read a paper on the "Origin of Totemism " [p. 347], on which Professor Haddon, Mr. Gomme, Mr. Clodd, Miss Burne, Mr. R. R. Marett, and Mr. H. H. Raynbird offered some observations [p. 393].

The President proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Lang for his paper, which having been unanimously carried, Mr. Lang replied with thanks.

The Meeting then terminated.


By kind permission of the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College, Oxford, a Meeting was held in the Hall of that College on Saturday, October 25th, 1902, Professor Tylor, a Vice-President of the Society occupying the Chair.