Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/472

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Gaya ; Kayasths ; and Malis) ;

ghost story, 289-3, marriage rites

correspond to blood- coven ant, 208 Benin : Pitt-Rivers' Antique Works

of Art from- Benin reviewed, 439-40 Ben Mohr (S. Uist") : in tale of mad- ness from eating eel, 36 Beowulf and the Fight at Finns-

hm-g, by J. R. C. Hall, reviewed,

223 Beowulf Legend, The, by C. A.

Seyler, 3 Berads : bridegroom on stone, bride

in basket of millet, 235 Berbers : folktales, 447 Berkshire : {see also Beacon Hill ;

Culham ; Eynsham Bridge ;

Hungerford ; Kennet Valley ;

Newbury ; and Reading) ; witch- craft, 237, 424 Bertha type of folktales, 81 Berwickshire : <isee also Coldingham ;

Spottiswoode ; and Westruther) ;

harvest customs, 24, 177-9, 250-1 Besant, Sir Walter, death of, i, 5,

27-8 Besisi (Malay Benin.) : tribal feasts,

159-63 Betel leaf: in divination, Penang,

143; incantation, Malays. 139 Bethsaida, Antichrist brought up in,

129 Beverley : St. John and St. Brithun,


Bhadon, month of : child born then lucky, Punjab, 280

Bhils : marriage rites, 243

Bhumiya, the earth god, N. India, 189

Bhuts or evil spirits, see Demons and evil spirits

Bible: Antichrist legend, 129-34; Deluge legends, 20, 42 ; Cheyne and Black's Encyclopcedia Biblica reviewed, 218-9 ; Keane's The Gold of Ophir, Whence brought and by whom reviewed, 218-9 ; Duffs The Theology and Ethics of the- Hebrews reviewed, 442-4

Bibliography of folklore : {see also separate Index of Archaeological Papers published in 1900) ; 112

Bihar bridegroom stopped till repeats verses, 232

Binney, E. H., Harvest Customs, 113, 179-80

Birds in folklore : {see also Chicken :

Cock ; Corn-crake ; Crow ; Cuckoo ; Dove; Eagle; Emu; Finch; Fowls ; Goose ; Hedge-sparrow ; Hen ; Lapwing ; Lark ; Magpie ; Owl ; Peacock ; Pigeon ; Prairie chicken ; Ptarmigan ; Raven ; Rook ; Shrike ; Stone-chat ; Swan ; Widgeon ; and Wren) ; dead transformed into, Milya-uppa tribe, 18 ; omens from, Hebrides, 48-9, St Briavel's, 172; as totems of King Conaire the Great of Tara, 329 ; village sobri- quet, Avalon, 384

Biidville : Narimaia creek in Won- kanguru and Urabunna legend, 414

Birria tribe : invisible beings of, 19

Birth customs and beliefs : {see also Eight (eighth child) ; Pokhu ; Trelar ; Trikhal or cholar ; and Twins) ; ancestors reincarnated, India and Australia, 236 ; Arunta, 32 1 -2 ; barren women touched in race, Japan and Rome, 25 ; birth with tooth foretells bard, Hebrides, 32 ; broadside Letter of Agbarus of Edessa used as charm, Kennet Valley, 424 ; ceremonies after birth under evil nakshatra, Gurdas- pur, 66 : during eclipse, Malays, 164 ; ghosts of child and woman dead in childbirth, Malays, 135-6 ; girl, if firstborn, very ill-omened, Khatris, 279 : lucky and unlucky births, Punjab, 280 ; mandrake procures conception, Hebrews, 218 ; pregnancy, first, customs during, Khatris, 279 ; pregnant women will not step over rod, W. Indies, 237 ; she-calf, how to obtain, Hebrides, 35 ; stepping over broom may cause suffering in labour, India, 237 ; vows for child- bearing at dolmens, France, 235

Black animals, see Bear ; Bull ; Cock ; Dog ; Fowls ; Horse ; and Lizard

Black Death, caused by planetary &c. conjunctions, 125

Black hair fairly lucky in women, Hebrides, 48

Blacksmiths : origin of Jack-o'-Lan- tern, Hebrides, 43

Bloemfontein : folk-medicine in camp at, 181-2

Blood : of bull, drunk by prophetess, ^gira, 328 ; charm against flow of, St. Briavel's, 173 : drawn to cure witchcraft, Berkshire, 425, Oxford-